
Cohabitation disputes

Cohabiting couples are partners who have lived together, sometimes for a long time, but who have not entered into a civil partnership or marriage.  When a relationship breaks down there are many different issues that need to be resolved including who owns the house and where the children are going to live.  We can try to resolve by agreement or mediation but sometimes expert legal advice is required.  KHF Solicitors Ltd has a specialist team that are able to assist with all areas of legal disputes that arise following the breakdown of a relationship.

Partners can mistakenly think that they have rights over property that is not in their name as a result of the length of the relationship, like a common law spouse. Unfortunately this is not always true but we will be able to guide you through the process to see whether you have the possibility of a claim over the property you have been living in.  Likewise, if your former partner remains living in the jointly owned property you used to share we may be able to issue a Court application to request that the Court order the sale of the property.

legal help

Do you have a cohabitation dispute? Call us on

0161 832 6677
0161 205 3909
0161 654 6300
0161 470 4111

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